I have to give it to him (props that is). I mean, anybody who takes a driver out on the 18th hole... 2nd shot in the woods... with trees directly in front of him... and doesn't hesitate to take a monster go for it swing... while simultaneously ducking in case of a dangerous ricochet... on his 58th birthday... is a rare breed.
You know what? Thats my Dad. Some people might say he is just a risk taker, or that is just his personality. Boo, on that explanation.
My research has been very intense and well thought through. I have wrestled with him in my head for years and have come to accept the conclusion. I don't have to convince you of his calling or explain the trail he leaves behind.
He can give you more responsibility in a one minute than your training would ever cover. Not b/c he wants to overwhelm you (which still happens), but b/c he desires something bigger than we can imagine. I have come to understand... it is not a risk... it is not unlofty expectation... it is not a trait...it is a life based on faith. A faith so big it reminds me of a seed.
Happy B-day Dad. You have shown me an unwavering faith in God like no one else I have ever known.
Oh yeah. His shot made it through the trees and landed in the fairway.